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Sources Sybase | ![]() |
Mis à jour le 28 juillet 2006 |
Sommaire |
ASE - Adaptive Server Enterprise |
/* Auteur : Michael Pepper * Date : 28.7.2006 * Desc : Retourne le DDL de suprpession et de création des indexes d'une table */ -- Un curseur sur tous les indexes des tables "user" dans la base courante: declare ixcsr cursor for select name, id, indid from sysindexes where id in (select id from sysobjects where type = 'U') go set nocount on declare @name varchar(32) , @id int , @indid int , @colid int declare @cmd varchar(300) , @tab varchar(32) , @colname varchar(32) , @colorder varchar(32) open ixcsr fetch ixcsr into @name, @id, @indid while @@sqlstatus = 0 begin select @tab = object_name(@id) -- la commande de drop... celle-ci est triviale! select @cmd = "drop index " + @tab + "." + @name print "%1!", @cmd -- on construit la commande de creation de facon iterative select @colid = 1 select @cmd = "create index " + @name + " on " + @tab + "(" while @colid <= 31 begin select @colname = index_col(@tab, @indid, @colid) , @colorder = index_colorder(@tab, @indid, @colid) -- si le nom est null c'est qu'on a traite toutes les colonnes de -- l'indexe if @colname is null goto LAST_COLUMN if @colid > 1 select @cmd = @cmd + ", " select @cmd = @cmd + @colname + " " + @colorder select @colid = @colid + 1 end LAST_COLUMN: select @cmd = @cmd + ")" print "%1!", @cmd fetch ixcsr into @name, @id, @indid end close ixcsr deallocate cursor ixcsr go |
CREATE PROCEDURE hs_ClearHistory (@Dte datetime ) AS /* Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 7.5.2003 * Desc : Supprime les anciennes valeurs de toutes les tables ayant une colonne Datetime appelée Timestamp. * Très utile pour les tables générées par le Historical Serveur */ BEGIN /* Scan de toutes les tables utilisateur ncluant un Timestamp dans la base courante */ declare tbl_cur cursor for select o.name from sysobjects o inner join syscolumns c on o.id = c.id where o.type="U" and c.name = "Timestamp" declare @sql varchar(100), @t varchar(30) open tbl_cur fetch tbl_cur into @t while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin checkpoint /* nécessaire avant chaque command delete compte tenu d la taille des tuples et de la petite taille du journal de transactions */ select @sql = "delete "+ @t +" where Timestamp <= '"+convert(varchar(20), @Dte)+"'" execute (@sql) /* execution de la requête SQL */ select @sql=convert(varchar(10),@@rowcount) /* Récupération du nombre de tupels impactés */ print "%1! lines deleted from %2!.",@sql,@t /* Affichage informationnel */ fetch tbl_cur into @t end close tbl_cur deallocate cursor tbl_cur END |
create proc sp_ForeignKey (@TBL varchar(30)) as /* Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 7.5.2003 * Desc : Détecte toutes les clés étrangères pointant sur la table passée en paramètre * et affiche les ordres DDL pour supprimer et recréer les contraintes. */ BEGIN SELECT object_name(r.constrid) CONST, object_name(r.tableid) TBL, c1.name COL, object_name(r.reftabid) TBL_REF, c2.name COL_REF INTO #HIST_CONST FROM sysreferences r, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2 WHERE r.keycnt=1 AND (object_name(r.reftabid)=@TBL OR object_name(r.reftabid)=@TBL) AND c1.id=r.tableid AND c2.id=r.reftabid AND r.pmrydbid=r.frgndbid AND r.frgndbid=db_id() AND c1.colid=fokey1 AND c2.colid=refkey1 SELECT "ALTER TABLE "+TBL+" DROP CONSTRAINT "+CONST FROM #HIST_CONST SELECT "ALTER TABLE "+TBL+" ADD CONSTRAINT "+CONST+" FOREIGN KEY ("+COL+") REFERENCES "+TBL_REF+ " ("+COL_REF+")" FROM #HIST_CONST END |
create proc sp__cpu AS /* Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 11.01.2002 * Desc : Affiche les processus en train de consommer des ressources * Param : - */ select convert(char(4), fid) Fam, convert(char(4), spid) Spid, convert(char(4), cpu) CPU, substring(suser_name(suid),1,15) "Users", substring(db_name(dbid),1,15) DB, convert(char(12), cmd) Command, convert(char(12), program_name) Program, convert(char(4), blocked) Blk from master..sysprocesses where cmd not like "AWAITING%" and spid <> @@spid and suid > 0 order by cpu desc |
create proc sp__showplan AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 8/03/2002 * Desc : Affiche tous les plan d'exécution actifs * Parm : - */ BEGIN set nocount on declare @i_spid integer declare @c_spid char(5), @user varchar(30), @host varchar(30), @appl varchar(30) declare @cmd varchar(30), @dbname varchar(30) declare busy_cur cursor for select spid from master..sysprocesses where cmd not like "AWAITING%" and spid <> @@spid and suid > 0 open busy_cur fetch busy_cur into @i_spid while @@sqlstatus <>2 begin select @c_spid = convert(char(5), @i_spid) select @user=suser_name(suid), @dbname=db_name(dbid), @host=hostname, @appl = program_name, @cmd = cmd from master..sysprocesses where spid=@i_spid print "**************************************************************************" print "* Plan d'exécution pour spid no %1!", @c_spid print "* Login : %1!", @user print "* Application : %1!", @appl print "* Machine : %1!", @host print "* Base de données : %1!", @dbname print "* Commande : %1!", @cmd print "**************************************************************************" print "" if exists (select 1 from master..sysprocesses where fid = @i_spid and spid <> @i_spid) begin print " Worker processes" print " ----------------" select spid, db_name(dbid) DB, status, cmd from master..sysprocesses where fid = @i_spid and spid <> @i_spid print "" end else print "Pas de worker process" exec sp_showplan @i_spid, null,null,null fetch busy_cur into @i_spid end close busy_cur deallocate cursor busy_cur END |
create proc sp__createDumpDevice (@dumpPath varchar(100)) AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 11/05/2002 * Desc : Supprime tous les dump devices existant et le recrée, par bloc de 2Go * Parm : @dumpPath : Répertoire racine pour les fichiers de sauvegarde */ begin declare cur_db cursor for select db_name(dbid) DBName, convert(int,sum(size/512)/2048.0)+1 NumDev from master..sysusages group by dbid for read only declare cur_dev cursor for select name from master..sysdevices where low = 0 and status = 16 and (name like "%_db_dmp_" or name like "%_tran_dmp_") for update declare @num int, @tot int declare @db varchar(30), @dumpdev varchar(255), @dumpname varchar(30) open cur_dev fetch cur_dev into @dumpname while @@sqlstatus<>2 begin exec sp_dropdevice @dumpname fetch cur_dev into @dumpname end close cur_dev deallocate cursor cur_dev open cur_db fetch cur_db into @db, @num select @tot=@num while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin while @num > 0 begin select @dumpname = @db+'_db_dmp'+convert(varchar(2), @num) select @dumpdev=@dumpPath+@db+"_db_"+convert(varchar(2), @num)+ "of"+convert(varchar(2), @tot)+".dmp" exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk', @dumpname,@dumpdev select @num=@num-1 end fetch cur_db into @db, @num select @tot=@num end close cur_db deallocate cursor cur_db end |
create proc sp__dbuser (@db varchar(30)=NULL) AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 3.3.2002 * Desc : Affiche la liste des utilisateurs utilisant une base de donnée spécifique * Parm : @db = Nom de la base (optionnel) * Return : Nombre d'utilsiateurs * -1 si la abse n'existe pas */ begin set nocount on declare @i int if @db is null select @db=db_name() else if not exists(select name from master..sysdatabases where name = @db) begin Print"The database %1! does not exist in ASE %2!", @db,@@servername return -1 end select @db "Database" print "" /* Number of users */ select @i=count(spid) from master..sysprocesses where dbid = db_id(@db) and suid > 0 if @i = 0 begin print "" print "This database is unused" print"" end else begin /* List of the users */ declare @snum varchar(4) select @snum = convert(varchar(4), @i) print "" print "%1! user(s) found in database %2!, server %3! ",@snum, @db, @@servername print "" select spid, suser_name(suid) users , cmd, program_name from master..sysprocesses where dbid = db_id(@db) and suid > 0 /* Informational warning if the current user is in the database */ if exists (select * from master..sysprocesses where spid=@@spid and dbid=db_id(@db)) begin print "" print "FYI : YOU currently are one of the users of the database %1!, server %2!!", @db, @@servername print "" end end return @i end |
create procedure sp__dumpdevice (@devname char(30)=NULL) AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 11/01/2002 * Desc : Liste des dump devices * Parm : dump device spécifique (optional) * Return : Nombre de dump devices */ begin set nocount on select "Device Name"=substring(d.name, 1,20), "Physical Name"= substring(d.phyname,1,50) from master.dbo.sysdevices d where d.status & 2 != 2 and isnull(@devname,name) = name return @@rowcount end |
create proc sp__cleanuser AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 11/01/2002 * Desc : Supprime tous les utilisateurs d'une base et les recrée, pour autant qu'un login existe * Cette SP resynchronise les suid/uid après un dump/load d'un autre ASE * Parm : - */ begin create table #TMP_USERS ( USERNAME varchar(30), USERGROUP varchar(30)) declare @user_name varchar(30), @user_group varchar(30) /* Fill up the temp table with the information from the existing users*/ insert #TMP_USERS select s1.name, s2.name from sysusers s1, sysusers s2 where s1.suid > 0 and /* exclude the groups */ s1.gid=s2.uid and s1.name != 'dbo' /* exclude the dbo */ declare users_cur cursor for select * from #TMP_USERS for read only open users_cur fetch users_cur into @user_name, @user_group while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin exec sp_dropuser @user_name exec sp_adduser @user_name, @user_name, @user_group fetch users_cur into @user_name, @user_group end close users_cur deallocate cursor users_cur drop table #TMP_USERS end |
create proc sp__dbsize (@db varchar(30) = NULL) AS /* * Author : Fabien Celaia * Date : 19.11.2002 * Desc : Affiche la taille et le taux d'occupation des bases * Parm : @db = Nom de la base (optionnel) * Return : 0 : ok * 1 : Aide affichée */ begin if convert(char(1), @db) in ( "/" ,"-") begin print "Usage : 1) sp__dbsize" print " 2) sp__dbsize MyDbName" print " 2) sp__dbsize 'A Part Of MyDbName with wildcard(s)'" return 1 end select dbid, LogSize = sum(size/(@@pagesize/4)), LogFullPercent= convert(numeric(5,2),100 * (sum(size) - sum(curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)))/convert(numeric(10,0), sum(size))) into #Log from master..sysusages where segmap = 4 group by dbid select dbid, DataSize = sum(size/(@@pagesize/4)), DataFullPercent= convert(numeric(5,2),100 * (sum(size) - sum(curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)))/convert(numeric(10,0), sum(size))) into #Data from master..sysusages where segmap=3 group by dbid select dbid, MixSize = sum(size/(@@pagesize/4)), MixFullPercent= convert(numeric(5,2),100 * (sum(size) - sum(curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)))/convert(numeric(10,0), sum(size))) into #Mix from master..sysusages where segmap<>4 and segmap&4 = 4 group by dbid select s.dbid, DB = convert(char(20), s.name), LogSize, DataSize, MixSize, DataFullPercent, LogFullPercent, MixFullPercent from master..sysdatabases s, #Log l, #Data d, #Mix m where s.dbid *= l.dbid and s.dbid *= d.dbid and s.dbid *= m.dbid and s.name like isnull(@db, s.name) order by s.name drop table #Data, #Log, #Mix end |
create proc sp__stat (@objectname varchar(30)=null) AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 08/03/2002 * Desc : Affiche le nombre de lignes de chaque table (ou d'une table spécifique) en se basant * sur les statistiques * Parm : @objectname (optionnel) */ begin select o.type, o.name, s.rowcnt, s.pagecnt, s.delrowcnt, s.forwrowcnt, s.emptypgcnt from sysobjects o, systabstats s where o.id = s.id and s.indid in (0,1) and o.name =isnull(@objectname,o.name) order by o.type, o.name end |
ASA - SQL Anywhere Studio |
ASIQ - Adaptive Server IQ |
/* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 10/02/2003 * Desc : Ces divers sripts vous aident à générer les index IQ corrects pour ASIQ12, * en générant un DDL depuis un serveur source ASE. */ drop proc sp_iqsyntax_table drop proc sp_iqsyntax_index drop proc sp_iqcompte drop table IqCompte go /* Création d'une table technique. * Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une table de travail car vous pouvez l'utilisez continuellement * afin d'améliorer votre modèle IQ */ create table IqCompte (Tbl varchar(30) not null, -- Table name Col varchar(30) not null, -- Column name ColId int not null, -- Column ID Tpe varchar(30) not null, -- ASE datatype Lg int null, -- Size of the ASE datatype Cpt int null, -- nr of distinct value per column CptTable int null, -- nr of rows in the table Uni bit not null, -- 1 if a unique constraint exist in this column LF bit not null, -- LowFast Index : 1 if LF needs to be created in this column HG bit not null, -- HighGroup Index : 1 if HG needs to be created in this column HNG bit not null, -- HighNonGroup Index : 1 if HNG needs to be created in this column CMP varchar(30) null, -- Compare Index : the name of the column to compare (must be in the same table !) WD bit not null, -- WD Index : 1 if WD needs to be created in this column CONSTRAINT IqCompte_PK PRIMARY KEY (Tbl, Col)) go create proc sp_iqcompte AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 6/2/2003 * Desc : Cette SP va rempir la table IqCompte. * Pour chaque colonne de chaque table, elle va calculer le nombre de valeurs distinctes et * leur unicité éventuelle * Attention : cette requête est fortement consomatrice de temps et de ressources * (nombreux scans de table) */ begin declare cur cursor for select "insert into IqCompte select '"+ o.name+"','"+ c.name+"',"+convert(varchar(4),colid)+", '" + t.name+"',"+ convert(varchar(10), c.length) +", count(distinct "+c.name +"),count(*), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 from "+ o.name , "update IqCompte set Cpt = (select count(distinct "+c.name+"), CptTable = (select count(*)) from "+ o.name+") where Tbl='"+o.name+"' AND Col='"+c.name+"'", o.name, c.name, c.colid from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t where o.id=c.id and o.name not in ("IqCompte", "rs_lastcommit", "rs_threads") and o.type="U" and c.usertype = t.usertype and c.usertype not in (-1, 19, 20) -- avoid the TEXT/IMAGE and Extended Datatype declare @sqli varchar(255), @sqlu varchar(255), @tbl varchar(30), @col varchar(30), @colid int open cur fetch cur into @sqli, @sqlu, @tbl, @col, @colid while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin if exists (select 1 from IqCompte where Tbl = @tbl and Col = @col) execute (@sqlu) -- refresh else execute (@sqli) -- insert fetch cur into @sqli, @sqlu, @tbl, @col, @colid end close cur deallocate cursor cur /* Add the TEXT/IMAGE and Extended Datatype */ insert into IqCompte select o.name, c.name, c.colid, t.name, c.length, NULL,NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 from sysobjects o, syscolumns c, systypes t where o.id=c.id and o.name not in ("IqCompte", "rs_lastcommit", "rs_threads") and o.type="U" and c.usertype = t.usertype and c.usertype in (-1, 19, 20) and not exists (select * from IqCompte where Tbl = o.name and Col = c.name) declare indidcur cursor for select distinct object_name(i.id), index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 1) from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where i.status & 2 = 2 and i.indid < 255 and o.id = i.id and o.type="U" and o.name not in ("IqCompte", "rs_lastcommit", "rs_threads") open indidcur fetch indidcur into @tbl, @col while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin update IqCompte set Uni = 1 where Tbl = @tbl and Col = @col fetch indidcur into @tbl, @col end close indidcur deallocate cursor indidcur update IqCompte set HG=1, Uni=1 where Cpt=CptTable and Cpt > 0 -- primary keys update IqCompte set Tpe='numeric' where Tpe in ('float', 'double', 'floatn') update IqCompte set LF = 1 where Cpt <= 1500 update IqCompte set HG = 1 where Cpt > 1500 update IqCompte set HNG = 1 where Cpt > 1500 -- update IqCompte set WD = 1 where Tpe likke "%char%" and Lg between 8 and 32747 end go create proc sp_iqsyntax_index AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 10/2/2003 * Desc : Génération du DDL des indexes et joints en se basant sur IqCompte. */ begin select "create "+ case Uni when 1 then "UNIQUE" end +" LF index "+Tbl+"_"+Col+"_LF ON "+Tbl +"("+Col+")" LowFast_index from IqCompte where LF=1 select "create "+ case Uni when 1 then "UNIQUE" end +" HG index "+Tbl+"_"+Col+"_HG ON "+Tbl +"("+Col+")" HighGroup_index from IqCompte where HG=1 select "create HNG index "+Tbl+"_"+Col+"_HNG ON "+Tbl+"("+Col+")" HighNonGroup_index from IqCompte where HNG=1 select "create WD index "+Tbl+"_"+Col+"_WD ON "+Tbl+"("+Col+")" Word_Index from IqCompte where WD=1 select "create CMP index "+Tbl+"_"+Col+"_CMP ON "+Tbl+"("+Col+","+CMP+")" Compare_index from IqCompte where CMP is not null SELECT "CREATE JOIN INDEX "+ object_name(r.constrid)+ " FOR "+ object_name(r.tableid) +" FULL OUTER JOIN "+ object_name(r.reftabid)+ " ON "+ co1.name+" = "+co2.name Join_index FROM sysreferences r, syscolumns co1, syscolumns co2 where r.keycnt=1 and r.frgndbid = r.pmrydbid and r.tableid = co1.id and r.reftabid = co2.id and r.fokey1 = co1.colid and r.refkey1 =co2.colid end go create proc sp_iqsyntax_table (@Tbl varchar(30), @pw varchar(30)=NULL) AS /* * Auteur : Fabien Celaia * Date : 15/4/2003 * Desc : Génération des commandes de chargement des indexes et joints en se basant sur IqCompte. */ begin declare cur cursor for select Col, Tpe, Cpt from IqCompte where Tbl=@Tbl order by ColId declare @col varchar(30), @tp varchar(30), @cp int, @DDL varchar(1000), @LOAD varchar(1000) declare @iDDL int, @iLOAD int, @maxpacket int declare @LOADSHORT varchar(1000), @BCP varchar(1000) open cur fetch cur into @col, @tp, @cp select @DDL="CREATE TABLE "+@Tbl +"( " select @LOAD="LOAD TABLE "+@Tbl+"( " while @@sqlstatus <> 2 begin select @DDL = @DDL + @col+" "+@tp if @cp > 0 select @DDL=@DDL+" IQ UNIQUE ("+convert(varchar(10), @cp)+")" select @DDL=@DDL+", " select @LOAD = @LOAD + @col+" '~' NULL ('NULL','null'), " fetch cur into @col, @tp, @cp end select @iDDL=datalength(@DDL), @iLOAD=datalength(@LOAD) select @DDL=substring(@DDL,1,@iDDL-2)+") ;" select @LOAD=substring(@LOAD,1,@iLOAD-26)+" '\x0a' NULL ('NULL', 'null')) from "+@Tbl +".bcp ESCAPES OFF QUOTES OFF WITH CHECKPOINT ON; COMMIT;" select @LOADSHORT="INSERT INTO "+@Tbl+" LOCATION '"+@@servername+"."+db_name()+"' {select * from "+@Tbl+"};" select @BCP="bcp "+db_name()+".."+@Tbl+" out "+@Tbl+".bcp -U"+suser_name()+" -c -t~ -S"+@@servername select @maxpacket = cu.value from master..sysconfigures co inner join master..syscurconfigs cu on co.config =cu.config where co.comment like "max network packet size" if @maxpacket > 512 select @BCP=@BCP +" -A"+convert(varchar(4), @maxpacket) if @pw is not null select @BCP=@BCP +" -P"+@pw select @DDL "DDL" select @BCP "BCP" select @LOAD "LOAD" union select @LOADSHORT "LOAD" close cur deallocate cursor cur end go |